Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Thai Cuisine

On Saturday March 6, Scott, my husband; Josh, my son; and I, decided to go out for dinner after my nieces swim meet. Scott had been wanting to go out for Thai food for quite some time. We usually go to the King and I, however on this occassion we decided to go to Boualong Laos & Thai Cuisine. Boualong is located in the heart of China Town, 97 Street and 106 Avenue.

The restaurant has been newly renovated, so it has a very nice atmosphere. The food, although slow in coming and not in the order that one would assume it would come out in, was very good. We had ordered an appetizer of a crape/spring roll stuffed with shrimp, pineapple, and mayonaise sauce. This dish came out after the amazing Pad Thai with Chicken. I have to say one of the best we have encountered in Edmonton.

Here is a picture of the Pad Thai with Chicken:

Then came the soup........
Scott ordered the Tom Yum soup it was very spicy. Tom yum is characterized by its distinct hot and sour flavors, with fragrant herbs generously used. The basic broth is made of stock and fresh ingredients such as lemon grass, kaffir lime leaves, galangal, lime juice, fish sauce and crushed chili peppers.

Then our son ordered the Matsuman, which is a curry dish with potatoes, carrots and your choice of beef or chicken; we chose to have it with beef. The dish again very good flavours however we would choose the chicken next time. See the Matsuman here:

The highlight of the night was the purple sticky rice with mango ice cream and 2 slivers of Mango layed on either side of the purple rice and ice cream, very good I would recommend this dish I could not find the exact picture of it however here is one displayed without the mango slices.

I would highly recommend this restaurant; the only down side is they only take cash, no debit or credit cards.

1 comment:

  1. Pad Thai and Thai Green Curry are two of my absolute favourite dishes. The best green curry I have ever tasted was when a friend and I were traveling in San Fransico. We came across this late night Thai restaurant downtown on our walk back to the hotel form the bar. It was about three o'clock in the morning and this restaurant was full. It didn't look like much from the outside, but the food was absolutely incredible. We found our way back there several times before we left!
