Thursday, March 4, 2010

Chinese cuisine - brought to us by Roxanne Ren

This week we were treated by one of our own great group members Roxanne to a tasting of homemade pork dumplings and steamed pork buns. We were all very appreciative of her efforts, though not expected, greatly appreciated.

Roxanne explained that her mother used to make them back home in China. This was Roxanne's first attempt at making them by herself. What a great job she did.

This is an example of a Chinese favourite brought to Canada with very little changes to the recipe.

Thank you Roxanne


  1. In Canada, the stuffing which people used for dumplings is surprisiing me. Canadian prefer potato to fill in dumplings. This change is because Canadian like potatoes.

  2. Dumplings stuffed with potatoes is a tradition started by the Ukrainians. However their dumplings or Perogy are stuffed with many delishes things. As Svetlana can explain in detail. Perogy's can be stuffed with Fruit, Blueberry Perogy's are my favourite; Meat, like hamburger; Potatoes, with cabbage, bacon and cheese, many varieties.

    That are all very tasty
