Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Home made foods from the Ukraine

As I had replied to Roxanne's post I have never attempted to make Perogy's. I have been quite successful at making Holubtsi (stuffed cabbage), Nachynka (Cornbread Stuffing a recipe from a friends mother), and Nalysnyky (crepe stuffed with cottage cheese and a cream dill sauce).

Here is a picture of Nalysnyky:

My girlfriend Michelle, is of Ukrainian descent and her mother has taught her very well in the art of Ukrainian cooking. Traditionally on Christmas eve they have 12 meatless dishes, including Nalysnyky and Nachynka.

Typical Ukrainian cooking uses black pepper, red pepper, salt, bay leaf, parsley and dill (usually in spring and summer), garlic and onion. Staples include potatoes, cabbage, fish, pork, beef and sausage and yes they do like their potatoes, just like the Irish. I believe this is because potatoes tend to keep quite well during the winter months and it was a food staple during the war for many cultures.

Recipe for Nalysnyky if you so wish to try it.

Crepe: 2 eggs, 1/2 cup milk, 3 tbsp water, 1/2 cup flour sifted, 1/4 tsp salt, (Double for 13x9 pan) Beat eggs until light, mix in the rest of the ingredients. Use a small fry pan 6" in diameter, butter lgihtly and heat well, pour a few tbsp in of batter in pan to give a thin coating and tilt pan back and fourth to spread the batter evenly. If you like a thicker crepe do not tilt the pan as much. Cook the cake over medium heat. Lightly brown on bottom remove the cakes and stack on plate. Should not be turned over. This is the secrect to tender cakes. In other words do not flip them. Spread the cakes with sweet or savory filling, when rolling the cakes with filling, place the browned side on the outside, arrange the rolled cakes in the buttered baking dish, and dot each layer with butter (to keep moist). Bake in a 350F oven for 20 Min, serve savory cakes with sour cream. (if doubled yeild 26 cakes).

Added secret: in a separate sauce pan have butter melted with sweet onions to put between layers with the dill. Have heary cream ready to pour on just before going into oven. Cream is to come just to the top of the crepe.

Filling: 2 cups cottage cheese (dry), 2 egg yolks, 2 tbsp cream or milk, 1/4 tsp salt, 1 tsp chopped dill if desired. Mash cottage cheese, add all remaining ingredients mix thourghly. Spread 1tbsp of filling on the cakes then roll, proceed as directed in recipe.

Hope you enjoy the recipe.

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